
Thursday, June 17, 2021



We had a colour dress-up day today. We did lots of colour atcivities during the day and one of them was reading about rainbows. Here is the mnemonic I / We madeup to remember the order of the rainbow.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Who am i ?


              WHO AM I ?

Some would say I'm Ryder. I have brown eyes, I am strong

like my dad and handsome, I have blonde hair, I am short like

my dad and good for running but what you might not know about

me is that …

I'M a motocross racer

My dad rides dirt bikes like me. I have a Yamaha 65cc. I would

like to get into soccer too. And I think you didn't know that I am...

I'm a Lion I am the king. I protect my cubs and my wife and I will

protect my pack.

I'M a fishy flopper. I protect my baby floppers.

If a bird is picking on my babys I will attack it to save my little

ones and if there is a crocodile, great white shark or a

megalodon I will kill it. THE END.

This post is about me the i am a lion and i am a fishy sentence is not real of course I hope you like it.